Andor László – intézetünk tanácsadó testületének elnöke – a FEPS Podcast sorozatának keretein belül beszélgetett Josef Weidenholzer korábbi európai parlamenti képviselővel 2019 novemberében.
In this episode of FEPS Talks, former Member of the European Parliament Josef Weidenholzer looks back to the long debates on Hungary, and in more general terms the risks of democratic backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe.
He argues passionately, that rule of law and solidarity as European values must be upheld in all EU countries, and there has to be zero tolerance regarding abuse of EU funds.
Does he agree with the Eastern/Western division concerning this topic? What does he propose to strengthen the Rule of Law within the Union?
Nevertheless, despite the controversies in some of the “new” EU member states, he remains positive regarding the perspectives of the Western Balkans and EU enlargement but in very concrete terms.