Andor László – intézetünk tanácsadó testületének elnöke – a FEPS Podcast sorozatának keretein belül beszélgetett Stefan Füle volt EU-biztossal az orosz-ukrán háborúról, valamint következményeiről az Európai Unióra nézve.

Former EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Stefan Füle and FEPS Secretary General László Andor analyse in this episode the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the consequences for the European Union. They argue that the common answer given by the member states will eventually make the EU stronger. Strategic autonomy will mean that the EU becomes a more united and autonomous actor with a global role. Füle and Andor also discuss the future of EU enlargement and what could potentially change in the accession process. They also assess the role of EU diplomacy in the current conflict and look back to some previous episodes of the EU-Russia relations. A key conclusion is that the war and the united European response will make the EU rethink its defense strategy and a new continental security architecture will emerge.


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