Andor László – intézetünk tanácsadó testületének elnöke – a FEPS Podcast sorozatának keretein belül beszélgetett James K. Galbraith professzorral 2020. június 25-én.

FEPS Secretary General László Andor speaks with Prof. James K. Galbraith (University of Texas at Austin). They discuss the extraordinary economic crisis of 2020: how it compares to the previous Great Recession, and where a comparative assessment of the US and EU experiences of crisis response would lead to. Have politicians learned anything from the previous crises and the consequences of those? Is there a connection between the COVID-19 recession and the new wave of protest movements against racism and police brutality in the United States? Prof. Galbraith clarifies whether there is a link between Donald Trump and the current wave of anti-racist demonstrations, provides a succinct description of the emerging Democratic campaign and also elaborates on the meaning of progressive reform in the US.