Andor László – intézetünk tanácsadó testületének elnöke – a FEPS Podcast sorozatának keretein belül beszélgetett Nadia Calviño közgazdásszal, a spanyol kormány alelnökével.

Nadia Calviño, Vice President of the Spanish Government and Minister for Economy and Digitalisation, and László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, analyse in this podcast episode the Spanish recovery plan in a European context. The Spanish economy is one of the hardest hit in Europe by the #COVID-19 crisis, mainly due to its dependence on sectors like tourism and hospitality. From the first days of the crisis one year ago, the Spanish government embarked on a strategy to mitigate the economic consequences and to establish a social safety net to avoid a rise of unemployment and poverty comparable to the previous one. Calviño and Andor agree that this time Europe has provided a timely and robust response, with better coordination through the whole EU, which makes this crisis different to the last one. Looking to the future, the Vice-President explains the need to adapt the Spanish economy to four progressive pillars: digital transformation, green transition, social and territorial cohesion and gender equality. She also opines that the EU’s SURE instrument is just a start, to be followed by genuine re-insurance of unemployment benefit schemes.